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Quite a ‘Commotion’ at PLAC

The show at the Pearson Lakes Art Center last Tuesday caused quite the ‘commotion’ —  the band’s name is Commotion, which is very appropriate, for they had the place rocking from beginning to end.

Holding ourselves accountable in God

By Paul Dare — Spirit Lake Immanuel Lutheran Church

Every single person on earth has made them. You started making them as children, annoying your parents when doing so. More often than not, when you make them, you hurt yourself. And yet, you keep making them. Sometimes you make them out loud. Other times you make them silently in your head. My personal favorite is, “I would lose weight, but I hate losing.” What am I talking about? Excuses.

Delivering a 19.5% pay raise for our junior enlisted troops

The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) is a strong and critical investment in our troops, our military families, and our national security. From the worsening crisis at our southern border and Hamas’ attacks against Israel to China’s increasingly brazen aggression on the world stage and Iran’s blatant bankrolling of terrorism, ensuring that our military has the resources and support that it needs to protect our nation at home and abroad is a matter of vital importance.

Q&A: What’s past is prologue at the Pentagon

Q: How was an employee able to embezzle $103.3 million from the Pentagon?

 A: Yet again, what’s past is prologue at the Pentagon. As a taxpayer watchdog, I’ve long worked to fix the fiscal mess at the Department of Defense. From greedy contractors to faulty accounting systems, the Pentagon’s fiscal mismanagement undermines U.S. military readiness. National security is the #1 responsibility of the federal government.

Rule of law — just not for Republicans

It seems strange that Republican leaders maintain that lawlessness in cities and states considered “blue” be a high priority but when law is applied to their proposed leader’s wrongdoing, they sing an opposing song! After the Trump verdict, where the jury relied on facts to reach their decision, we’ve heard disturbing outcries from most Republican leaders.

A broken, beautiful family – 75 years in the making

By Jami Goetz — Grace Lutheran Church

House Republicans continue to support teachers

A top priority for Republicans in the Legislature this year was raising teacher pay. House Republicans insisted that paraprofessionals in schools also be included in that pay raise. Which makes it perplexing why some, hoping to gain a political advantage, have attempted to put Republican legislators in a bad light by claiming that they have been “mean-spirited” towards teachers and the public education system. Well, facts are stubborn things, and the facts tell a different story.

Q&A: Avian Flu

Q: How is the federal government responding to recent outbreaks of avian flu?

Advocating for Iowa families and taxpayers in Congress

Our economy is in tough shape. Cumulative inflation has skyrocketed by nearly 20% since President Biden took office while real wages have fallen by roughly 4.4%. The Bureau of Economic Analysis estimated that the economy grew at a rate of only 1.3% in the first quarter of 2024 – three points lower than predicted – while interest rates have surpassed their highest levels in 23 years.

Trump Trial = Jesus Trial…Really?

By Brian Jack — First Lutheran

There’s a comparison being floated that former President Donald Trump’s "hush money" trial was like Jesus’ trial. Jesus endured a “sham” trial and was crucified. The comparison has it that the same is happening to Trump. The comparison goes on to encourage that if you can still follow Jesus after His trial and crucifixion you can still follow Trump after his trial and “crucifixion”.

Q&A: Disaster recovery

Q: Is Iowa having an unusual start to severe weather season?

Securing Victories for Iowa Agriculture in the Farm Bill

In the early morning hours of Friday, May 24, after nearly 14 hours of deliberation, I voted — alongside my Republican colleagues on the House Agriculture Committee — to advance the 2024 Farm Bill out of committee and send it to the House Floor for a vote by the full Congress. This legislation is not only critical for our farmers and our economy, but it’s also vital to our global leadership and our competition against China.

Q&A: Memorial Day matters

Q: When did the United States begin observing Memorial Day?

Loose standards in turbine ordinance may be illegal

On May 14 the Dickinson County Board of Supervisors voted to approve amendments to article 21 of the zoning ordinance. These changes plainly violate the laws of Iowa and greatly loosen standards for constructing wind turbines.

Iowa Code 335.5 specifies regulations for county zoning:

Dickinson County should support the people, not corporate

As a vacationer during the Iowa Great Lakes Bible Conference week, I've been captivated by the area's quaint charm and natural beauty. However, I'm deeply concerned about the proposed 200+ wind turbine project and its potential impact on this region. Across the country, similar projects have proven problematic, prompting many localities to dismantle existing turbines and grapple with the consequences of past decisions.

BAT wowed crowd at PLAC

Where can you enjoy an evening singing along with a crowd? Where can you participate in music history trivia? The answer is the BAT show at the Pearson Lakes Art Center.

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