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Introducing Ella Stafford


Studying AEA changes as session starts

On Monday Jan. 15 (Martin Luther King Day), Iowa held its Republican (first in the nation) caucus — the final countdown after months of events, speeches, mailings and texts. It’s a wonderful process hearing from all of the candidates as they traveled across Iowa. Over 103,000 Republicans participated in their precinct caucuses, making their voices heard in the presidential nominating process.

Permanently repealing the death tax

It takes a tremendous amount of hard work to start a small business and run a farm. From balancing the books and maintaining inventory to paying employees and complying with burdensome rules and regulations, these enterprises require long hours and real commitment to be successful and profitable.

Q&A: Romance scams

Q: What are you hearing from Iowans about romance scams?


A: The efforts of rip off artists seeking to enrich themselves at the expense of their victims are a tale as old as time. Today the internet gives con artists and criminals a digital platform to lay an anonymous trap far and wide, from identity theft to online extortion and money laundering.

Gratefulness can change things

By Perry Aalgaard - First Lutheran Church, Milford

OST preparing for Winter Games traditions

Editor's note: Doris Welle is also a seasonal staff writer for the Dickinson County News and Okobojian.

To the Editor:

Plans are in full swing for the 2024 U of O Winter Games. This is a long-standing tradition that has sparked many other traditions over the years.

I am tired of hearing all the faults

I am tired of hearing all the faults that Iowa has – truth be told, Iowa is a pretty good place to live.

Iowa has been garnering quite a reputation lately, landing the top spot in several "best state" rankings. There's a lot to love about the Hawkeye State, and here are some reasons why it's been receiving so much recognition.

Being a taxpayer watchdog isn’t just a job for the state auditor

As Iowa’s taxpayer watchdog, I hear from Iowans just about every day with concerns about state and local government. Oftentimes, there are steps my office can take to address those concerns. Other times, the next step is as simple as directing folks to the best channel in state government to address their question. Sometimes, it’s easy to also confuse misplaced priorities for misspent money—one requires a change in leadership, and the other requires an audit investigation.

A start to the 90th General Assembly

The 2024 session of the 90th General Assembly convened on Monday Jan. 8 with a somber tone in the aftermath of the shooting in Perry. Our hearts go out to the victims and their families. We are grateful for the first responders and the lives they saved by their prompt response.

Q&A: Transparency brings accountability to medicine

Q: How are you working to lower health care costs?


Restoring American energy production and independence

In 2019, the United States became energy independent for the first time in 62 years. However, on his first day in office, President Biden destroyed American energy production by killing the Keystone XL pipeline, banning energy development on federal lands and outsourcing our energy needs to our enemies. His failed energy policies have not only raised gas prices for our families but have also threatened our national and economic security.

Wisdom is in trouble

There aren’t a lot of people lining up these days to feel sorry for the sellers of news. More than a handful of you likely believe the news should be free, and the people who provide it should be more like public servants than paid employees of a private business.

Does county P&Z lookout for citizens or commercial interests?

In June, the P&Z commission decided they needed a new subcommittee to study changes to the wind turbine ordinance since the 2008 Dickinson County Wind Turbine Ordinance was adopted. During those 14 years, wind turbines have grown from 250-feet to more than 600-feet in height. There was much confusion about who would be on this new subcommittee. After much delay, the subcommittee members were chosen by the zoning administrator, Megan Kardell, and the county attorney, Steven Goodlow.

Nominating Trump defies our common sense

To my fellow Iowans:

As we prepare for the opportunity and responsibility that we as Iowans have been given to provide the country with a glimpse of what the future holds for our collective choice as president, I invite us all to take this upcoming caucus very seriously.

I am an independent voter, though I have chosen more often to vote Republican than Democrat. I have chosen this year to switch my voter registration to Republican to have my voice heard at this caucus.

Counties are duty-bound to protect citizens from hazardous CO2 pipelines

When the DCN published its 2023 Year in Review, CO2 pipelines were at the top of the list. This is not surprising as Dickinson County is in the footprint of Summit Carbon Solutions’ proposed CO2 pipeline. Heading into 2024, county boards bear a heavy responsibility as they deal with ordinances, while the state awaits the IUB’s decision on Summit’s permit application.

Q&A: Unfinished business in 2024

Q: What’s ahead in the new year?

A: The appalling violence at Perry High School this week was a shocking and tragic beginning to the new year. Barbara and I join the Perry community, and all of Iowa, in grieving for those affected by this terrible event. Our prayers will remain with the city of Perry as it heals. I’ll continue to follow the Perry community’s recovery closely and am available to help if any additional federal resources are needed.

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